Get Out the YIP Vote - Fall 2016 Edition!

By Young Involved Philadelphia (other events)

Wednesday, November 2 2016 5:30 PM 7:30 PM EDT

We're at it again! The oh-so-important 2016 election is coming up on Tuesday, November 8, so join Young Involved Philadelphia (YIP) and help us call YIPsters and remind them to vote! 

Phonebanking is one of the easiest and most effective ways to remind people to exercise their civic duty and vote. And politicians pay attention to people who vote, which means they're more likely to advocate for the things we care about. See where we're going here? Join us for phonebanking and you can LITERALLY CHANGE THE WORLD. 

In addition to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the world through your iPhone, YIP will be providing food, drink, and just enough craft beer to keep you from slurring on the phone lines.