YIP's Get Out the Vote Phone Bank: New Voters

By Young Involved Philadelphia (other events)

Monday, April 20 2015 6:00 PM 8:00 PM EDT

On April 20th, Young Involved Philadelphia (YIP) will be hosting a millennial Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Phone Bank from 6pm to 8pm at the Committee of Seventy Office on the 10th floor of 8 Penn Center.  YIP will be providing food, drink, and just enough craft beer to make you sound incredibly charming, but not too overbearing or emotional on the phones.

This phone bank will be dedicated to contacting newly registered millennials in Philadelphia who have never voted in our City before. Held on the last day to submit new voter registration forms as well as change of addresses, the phone bank is the perfect way to introduce new voters to the benefits of voting and begin to create that “habit” election after election.

As of March 2015, 338,877 millennial voters (citizens between the ages of 18 and 34) were registered to vote in Philadelphia county. If only 20% of those millennial voters showed up to support a candidate that best fits their interests, they would greatly influence the primary. If 40% showed up to the polls, they could sway the May election however they wanted!

That’s kind of powerful, right?

So, let’s make a difference and show our government what interests us.

Bring your friends as well!

Photo Credit: dagoaty/Flickr